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Writer's pictureAatif Aatif

A look at ESL One Fall 2021 – How to exploit the 7.30 patch

Whenever a new patch drops there are a few changes that turn out just a little stronger than intended. What are these changes and how can you use them to your advantage?

Dragons, Dinosaurs and Golems

A lot of things in the game have stayed basically the same, with only a few minor tweaks. This isn’t the case however with the Helm of the Overlord. An item that previously was never bought, has already become the breakout star of the latest patch. While going from two ancients dominated to one might seem like a nerf, the buffs this one ancient received in order to compete have been incredible. Combine this with the Vladimirs Offering now being a part of the Helm of the Overlord, and the return of Zoo Dota has become fact.

Heroes like Beastmaster, Lycan, Chen and Dark Seer have just gained a whole new way to play through the Helm of the Overlord. Simply get this item as fast as you can, and suddenly you walk around the map with effectively a 6th hero on your team in the form of this crazy Dragon, Dinosaur or Golem. Buff him with your hero’s abilities and suddenly you are knocking on your opponent’s highground in 20 minutes. Just be careful you keep up the pace, because when your opponents reach their full late game potential, that 6th hero might turn out to be quite the feeder.

Toxicity reigns

If you look at the strategies employed by dual TI winners OG you will see that they assign a great amount of value to percentage based damage. As these forms of damage will always stay strong throughout the entire game. With this in mind, take a look at the changes to Venomancer’s ultimate. Adding percentage based damage to an ultimate with a ridiculous duration and AOE has turned this little snake into a terrifying cobra.

The hero that was already a menace in the laning stage and early game, as his poisons deterred any aggression into places the venomancer has set up shop. Now you can buy yourself a blink dagger and aghanim’s scepter in the later stages of the game, and win a teamfight single handedly merely by pressing two buttons. Even the tankiest of tanks will see their hit points drop all the way to 0 as your venom finds its way through their veins.

A surprise attack

The Shadow Blade and its bigger brother of the Silver Edge were mostly forgotten in the last patch. But with the new addition of a Crystalys and a guaranteed crit to the Silver Edge, it seems to have found a new place of glory. Add this to the little buffs its carriers like Sven have received, and suddenly you have a recipe for exploitation. Pick that Sven, cleave down some creeps and build that Silver Edge. Now you are in a prime position to simply sneak up on your enemies, and cleave them down in a surprisingly terrifying attack.

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Image Credit: Valve

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